Hello Theodore Dawes Community and welcome to Fall.
It goes without saying that we dodged a big bullet last month when it comes to hurricanes. I started keeping my eye on Ian before it was a hurricane and looked like a bunch of clouds that were not going to do anything. Boy did it prove otherwise. I hate it for all the people and communities of Central and South Florida, please keep them and the first responders in your thoughts and prayers as they have a
long road to recovery.
So, October is upon us, and it ushers in Fall. The weather has been nice for us here and we hope it remains that way for some time. October also brings Fire Prevention month, why we have just one month dedicated to Fire Prevention is beyond me, as it should be our focus year-round. Let me remind everyone that now is the time to be checking your household to ensure that you are practicing fire prevention in your home. Make sure you are not overloading circuits or plugs with too many appliances plugged into the same socket. Be sure you are not using under rated extension cords for the appliances you have on them and please, please, do not have extension cords running under carpets or have heavy furnishings sitting on them. Gather the family and go over your home safety plans in the event of a fire emergency. What to do, how to get out, and where to go once out. Have a plan in place and practice with all your family members. This is also a good time to test those smoke alarms and/or change batteries. Not too much to do to ensure that the device that could save your family’s lives is functioning properly.
Your Theodore Dawes Fire Rescue Department will be out this month at several locations promoting Fire Prevention and Fire Safety. Keep an eye out for our truck and personnel and don’t be shy, stop by and say hello. We will culminate Fire Prevention week Oct. 10th to Oct. 14th with our Second Annual Fire Prevention Family Fun Day on Saturday, October 15 th from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Tillman’s Corner Community Center on Carol Plantation Rd… The Department will have all our trucks out for photo ops, we will have a fire rescue type obstacle course for the kids, and our brand-new fire safety inflatable house. There will also be other safety and first responders represented, tractors from the Alabama Forestry, South flight helicopter, face painting, food trucks, and all sorts of activities geared to educate our children, as well as our adults on fire safety and prevention. Come out and meet your Fire Department.
Thank you for allowing us to serve and stay safe.
Franklin Byrd, Fire Chief